Time to leave...
Well folks, this is it...
I gotta pack up all this crap, dismantle my life here in Perth and get ready to ship everything over to the old country. Won't be online until at least mid-December.
Said most of my goodbyes to all the wonderful people that made my time here memorable.
OK, now that I'm done with all that emo crap...time to rant about something.
What is the deal with love? Why are we brainwashed into thinking that a person isn't complete until he/she has found their 'soul mate'? I think this is complete horse-sh*t.
You know why? This mentality fu*ks up people's lives. I've seen many guys(and some girls) do their head in because a relationship didn't work out. Perfectly decent human beings having a sook about how the love of their lives is gone...what about the previous 4-5 'love-of-their-lives'? There'll always be another.
I mean...are you any less of a person now that you're single? Apparently some people think they are, so they latch on the the next passable member of the opposite sex, hence the vicious cycle continues. It's denial on a grand scale.
Have good friends, get a kick-ass job, enjoy your life, spend some money on yourself. Life is short. Is there anymore time have a cry about some chick that dumped you? What about all the other stuff you've accomplished so far in your short life? Does a breakup nullify everything else?
I don't get it....
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