Monday, 22 January 2007

Mel Gibson. . .

Took some time off today to go watch Mel Gibson's Apocalypto. This is a funny statement in itself since all I ever have is time off...from doing nothing. Can't say that I love it nor do I hate it. There are heaps of viewers out there that aren't impressed by the historical inaccuracies but hey, it is a movie; not a documentary. (Docos can get it wrong too from time to time)

The message that I've gotten out of this movie(personal opinion) is how the decline of most major civilisations begin from within, however a simplistic view that may be. So if you're ever gonna go see it, take it for what it is, a movie, storytelling on the big screen...and stop having a whinge about Mel.

Sunday, 21 January 2007

Now that I'm back in Singapore....

It's been raining ever since I've been back. What is up with this weather?(in fact it's raining right now as I'm typing this out) Just a little update on things here, I have since sorted out my internet connection and here I am online once again. I've also returned from my trip in the province of Siem Reap located in Cambodia. For the lesser informed people out there, Siem Reap is where the temples of Angkor is located; the main temple being Angkor Wat.

More on the photos later...still in the process of re-doing the whole batch and re-uploading them.

Now that I'm back in Singapore....
If there is ever one thing that I could not adapt to this country, it will be the weather. It is either hot and humid, or wet and humid, take your pick. I personally hate the humidity here, people get sweaty, sticky and messy; I suddenly remembered why I left this place years ago.